Coding, Documentation, & Revenue Cycle Trainings
13,000+ trained. Textbook sales for Coding and Documentation Compliance for the ICD & DSM: A Comprehensive Guide for Clinicians (here). Coding, billing, & compliance trainings. Taking short-cuts in any part of these operations is NOT advised!

Healthcare Compliance
From Auditing and Monitoring for FWA to ensuring all policies and procedures updated and operational, effective compliance programs are required for all healthcare providers. Risk assessments, 245G, Rule 29, HIPAA and other regulatory guidance policy SME who can help you improve your clinical operations to support compliance and organizational objectives.

Fully Leverage Your EHR
Knowing how to fully leverage and use your EHR can maximize your ROI. EHR's can produce reports that help you meet KPI's, organizational metrics or goals. Sometimes, it is as simple as designing the right custom report!

IT Assessments for Human Services
Manual processes? Too many software programs? Get a thorough IT Assessment with recommendations based on your strategic plan!
Kisangaji Project
Since 2008, Lisette has been actively helping the residents of Kisangaji, Tanzania
with their educational, healthcare, and infrastructure needs.